You should be cautious of "news" these days!

January 15, 2017


In a world where "fake" news seems to reign, caution seems prudent to an organization that posts recent news.  This was exactly the case when I received the email stating that Mr. Rick McQueen has announced his retirement from the Akron-Canton Airport after more than a third of a century. I immediately replied to the public relations person at CAK to indicate my disdain for such news. Sadly, it was true.

She kindly replied, "I know, we are bummed to have him leave, he’s wonderful to work with! He has some pretty exciting ventures coming up though,...."

If you don't know Mr. McQueen, he is a kind, thoughtful, and give-it-your-all kind of person. He served on many boards in his day. He has served on Ohio Aviation Association's Board for a few years. In my short time with OAA, I have known him to be quiet, yet, appropriately questioning when things don't seem evidently clear.  He knows what it means to volunteer - it means you make it happen whether you think you can or not. The world will survive (and even learn better) when you live up to your obligations to help.

Rick has graciously offered to host the upcoming February 1st Board of Director's meeting at CAK. In fact, he has set up a tour at the MAPS museum just prior to our meeting. This will help us remember why we got into aviation...whether it was to run snow plows over a huge piece of pavement, to schedule private jets, to fly Cessnas, or to meet with the federal/state officials (to explain to them the importance of aviation to a community and why funding of such is critical). This is the kind of man he is.

Join me, and the rest of the OAA BOD, in wishing Mr. Rick McQueen a happy retirement at the end of 2018...but under your breath, tell him you won't let him off the BOD of OAA that easily! :)

Happy MLK Day!
Stacey Heaton
Executive Director

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